Update KRYPT08132008A: Post-Update Manual Changes

The following manual changes are required for this update:

  • Access the 'Home > ClickCartPro > Displays: Skins, Menus, XHTML Includes and Messages > Manage Display Skins' function. Choose to update the 'ClickCartPro' and 'Ecom' skins. For both, choose to update 'scripts.js'. In that file, replace:
    var IE6 = false /*@cc_on || @_jscript_version < 5.7 @*/;
    if (IE6) {addEvent(window,'load',parseStylesheets,false);}
    Then choose to update 'skinfunc.php'. In that file, replace:
    $x['metatitle']    = $this->xhtml_encode($this->globals('khxc_display.metatitle'));
    $x['metakeywords'] = $this->xhtml_encode($this->globals('khxc_display.metakeywords'));
    $x['metadesc']     = $this->xhtml_encode($this->globals('khxc_display.metadesc'));
    $x['disp_title']   = $this->xhtml_encode($x['ns_name']);
    $x['disp_title']   = preg_replace('/ \- Process$/','',$x['disp_title']);
    // +--
    // | Strip XHTML tags from the meta information.
    // +--
    $x['metatitle']    = strip_tags($this->xhtml_translate($x['metatitle'],'DECODE'));
    $x['metakeywords'] = strip_tags($this->xhtml_translate($x['metakeywords'],'DECODE'));
    $x['metadesc']     = strip_tags($this->xhtml_translate($x['metadesc'],'DECODE'));
    $x['metatitle']    = $this->globals('khxc_display.metatitle');
    $x['metakeywords'] = $this->globals('khxc_display.metakeywords');
    $x['metadesc']     = $this->globals('khxc_display.metadesc');
    $x['disp_title']   = $this->xhtml_encode($x['ns_name']);
    $x['disp_title']   = preg_replace('/ \- Process$/','',$x['disp_title']);
    // +--
    // | Strip XHTML tags from the meta information.
    // +--
    $x['metatitle']    = $this->xhtml_encode(strip_tags($x['metatitle']));
    $x['metakeywords'] = $this->xhtml_encode(strip_tags($x['metakeywords']));
    $x['metadesc']     = $this->xhtml_encode(strip_tags($x['metadesc']));
    And add the following function before the class closure:
    // +------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // | Function: robotstag                                              |
    // +------------------------------------------------------------------+
    function robotstag () {
    // +--
    // | This function prints the robots tag.  Follow/Index tags are
    // | printed only when pages were not requested with SID in the URL.
    // +--
    $eol      = $this->globals('khxc.eol');
    $cgi_sid  = $this->globals('khxc_cgi.sid');
    if (!(empty($cgi_sid))) {
         print '' . $eol;
    } else {
         print '' . $eol;
    } // End of if statement.
    // +--
    // | Return true.
    // +--
    return 1;
    } // End of function.
    Then choose to update 'skin.php'. In that file, replace:
    <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
    <?php /* PHP FUNCTION */
          /* REQUIRED: Prints the robots tag */
          $skinfunc->robotstag(); ?>
  • Access the 'Home > ClickCartPro > Commerce: Orders and Checkout > Manage Processing Gateways' function. Choose to update all active (required) or all (recommended) gateways. Look in the 'Form Display Code' section for the string:


    Change that to:


    A few gateway entries do not contain this string - so do not update those. This can be accomplished for users with MySQL by simply entering the following Raw SQL statement:

    UPDATE ccp0_gateway SET incdisp=replace(incdisp, 'PASSCUSTOM', 'TEXTCUSTOM').
  • Access the 'Home > ClickCartPro > Mail: Messages, Mail and Subscriptions > Manage Mail Messages' function. Choose to update the 'Email a Friend Message' entry. In the XHMTML message field, delete the line:
    if ($desc_has_tags) {
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