Update KRYPT10022007A: Pre-Update Database Changes
The following SQL statements are required for this update:
- UPDATE khxc_namespaces SET groupallow='*', groupdeny='' WHERE namespace='addbook' OR namespace='addbookdelp' OR namespace='addbookins' OR namespace='addbookinsp' OR namespace='addbookupd' OR namespace='addbookupdp' OR namespace='checkoutp' OR namespace='coupdshipaddmult' OR namespace='coupdshipaddmultp' OR namespace='coupdshipaddsin' OR namespace='coupdshipaddsinp' OR namespace='gwprocinternal' OR namespace='olpsetup' OR namespace='orderprocess' OR namespace='ordersummary' OR namespace='ordersummaryco' OR namespace='paypalproexplink' OR namespace='printinvoice' OR namespace='orderlookup'
- DELETE FROM khxc_namespaces WHERE id='ccp0.Cancel'
- DELETE FROM khxc_namespaces WHERE id='khxc.Cancel'
- DELETE FROM khxc_messages WHERE stringmsg='wishconfinv' OR stringmsg='addwishconf' OR stringmsg='cartconfinv' OR stringmsg='addcartconf' OR stringmsg='wishaddrnc' OR stringmsg='cartaddrnc' OR stringmsg='wishgenerr' OR stringmsg='cartgenerr' OR stringmsg='cartaddrncm' OR stringmsg='wishaddrncm' OR stringmsg='deletewishconf' OR stringmsg='deletecartconf' OR stringmsg='movecartconf' OR stringmsg='movewishconf' OR stringmsg='updatewishconf' OR stringmsg='updatecartconf' OR stringmsg='cocartinv'
Due to changes in the way inventory is handled in ClickCartPro, the column type for both the product inventory column and the product option selection items inventory column was changed. Changing the types of these columns will allow the software to better support fractional quantity orders. It is recommended you execute the following statements to update the column types for those two columns. These statements will work on MySQL databases only. It is recommended you execute these statements, however they are not required:
- ALTER TABLE ccp0_prod CHANGE invlevel invlevel VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
- ALTER TABLE ccp0_prodoptionsel CHANGE inventory inventory VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''